The L.G.’s

The L.G.’s ‘Want Too Much’ album is an eclectic journey through Nashville based Rock and Blues style music. Its genius lies in its ability to redefine the genres and bend them in ways never done before.

The path begins with the title track and meanders into a progressive forest of thought generating sound waves, leaving you naked and vulnerable at the edge of the metaphorical woods. You may experience sudden bursts of emotions, like elation and anger, fear, then a feeling of transcendence. Although the experience may change you, at your core, you will become stronger and more content with the struggles of daily monotony, and isn’t that just easier?

Overall, the musical journey of The L.G. ‘s will leave you satisfied and refreshed with the original songs of the past, present, and the future combined. If you’re expecting something more, then you might Want too Much.

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Al’s version

I have meditated on it: 

The L.G.’s ‘Want Too Much’ album is an eclectic journey through Nashville based Rock and Blues style music. Its genius lies in its ability to redefine genres and capture the uniquely independent East Nashville state of mind. The album is a journey that meanders like a Spider in the Vine through a progressive forest of foot tappin’, booty shakin’, grin generating sound waves. Over Time it leaves you philosophically liberated and metaphorically naked, standing at the edge of the woods, Howlin’. Listeners have experienced sudden bursts of STranGe euphoric emotions and feeling of relaxation and transcendence, like a trip down to the Corner bar with friends. The album will change your blues to Purple. You will become stronger and more empowered to overcome your daily struggles against monotony and un-fun-itivity. Can’t Wait? Just Say Ok. The L.G.’s debut album is a musical journey that will leave you satisfied and refreshed with original songs of the past, present, and the future combined. No Foolin’! If you’re expecting something more, then you might just Want too Much.

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